For Residential Apartments
What is the success rate of ANPR as compared to RFID?
The overall success rate of ANPR is 90+% for residential societies. Accuracy for cars is at 90%-95% [front reading of LP(license plate)] and 80%-90% for Bike [rear reading of LP(license plate)]. Accuracy for RFID is also about the same, however, RFID for bikes is very poor. ANPR can be used for tracking visitor, resident vehicles, and providing digital records unlike the case in RFID which can be used ONLY for resident vehicles with RFID tags.
Can the video feed from the existing CCTV camera be used or do we need to install a new camera?
Existing CCTV cameras cannot be used for ANPR, we require special cameras for ANPR.
Are the cameras operational in the dark, or minimum lighting is required?
The camera has the same accuracy at night as well. We have a 48 watt IR with our camera, which is specially used to read number plates at night.
Is there an option to validate allocated parking for a vehicle?
We can let you know the occupancy (i.e., the number of vehicles inside the society) based on entry and exit of vehicles.
We won’t be able to allocate parking.
Where is the log of data stored? Is there a recovery mechanism too?
The data is stored in the local edge processor for 7 days and then in the cloud server. We store the data for a minimum of 3 months based on the society's requirement.
Can the expiry period for visitor cars exiting the complex be configured or picked up from MyGate entry log? (The last 4 digits may not be unique for vehicles)
Currently we are not automating for visitor vehicles. Automation features for visitor vehicles are on our road map.
Can we incorporate Parking Management?
The timestamp of vehicle entry and exit is available.
Can we monitor vehicles/busses dropping kids outside the main gate? How about the clarity of pictures?
If the vehicles are passing through the view of the camera/main gate we will be able to capture all the vehicles.
Until visitor management is active, how do you manage tailgating vehicles?
We recommend the use of rumble strips to slow down the vehicles. Additionally, deployment of tower lights (red & green lights) indicates visitor vehicles and resident vehicles, based on that the security guard will be alerted.
Do you have auto approval for orders like Grofers, BB not working
Currently, the residents will have the seamless entry. For vendors, visitors, and cabs, it needs to be manually opened.
We will be soon automating for vendors, visitors, and cab vehicles in the next update.
Do you also have the RFID option for your platform?
No, we do not deal with RFID systems at the moment
Is there any additional infrastructure cost involved in the deployment of the solution?
Wired internet, pole if needed, networking, civil work if any will be under the society's scope. Uncanny Vision engineers will support the installation.
Can the device charge be spread across the contract period instead of a one time payment?
No, our pricing model is Opex+Capex. The hardware is on Capex and Software on Opex.
Will this add to the working staff or we can reduce some staff after this installation? How much manpower will be involved from the customer's end?
You should be able to reduce the manpower and/or improve overall efficiency of guards. We have customers who have reduced the manpower at the gate or repurposed them; however you would definitely need one for visitor vehicle management. The exact security staff count should be decided according to your requirement.